Monday, August 20, 2007

Trip to England

Travel to Europe and in this case to UK can bring you back to the future. smile At least in London with their city maut, high petrol prices, and space problems, new solutions are tested to solve such problems. smile

This is especially for Tina: I know for some people it seems strange that somebody has strange hair: too long and too uncontrolled. smile But when I was strolling through Kensington in London one evening, a women, her boyfriend ( i suppose), and her daughter were passing me, and then suddenly the women adreessed me: "Excuse me". I was surprised and turned around: "Yes?", and she responded: "I like your hair!" I was really surprised and I might got red in my face and I just said thank you. I was too surprised to say more.

I am used to the fact, that if you pass people and they like your clothes or so, they will tell you, but that somebody does the same about somebody others hairstyle was new for me.

Furthermore, on my flight back from Amsterdam to Washington, I was upgraded to World business class. At one point during the flight the stewardess came to me and apologized for interupting, but she was asked by some passengers to find out if I would be a Rock Star. I smiled, but I had to aknowledge that I am a scientist and not a Rock Star. smile Life can be curious.

(a supposed Rock Star's smile)

As I was in England, I also visited Stanislav in Oxford. He has now two children, a little boy and a newborn little girl. They are cute. As it was my first time in Oxford, Stanislav showed me around in Oxford and I learned something new:

The colleges of Oxford university were used as archetype for Hogwards castle in the Harry Potter series.
Of course, I had to make a visit to the Museum of Natural History in Oxford and I could not avoid to make a foto of the Dodo:

And furthermore I had to pay my tribute to Tolkien and to visit his Tolkiens grave: